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twoleftfeet 12:17 Thu Mar 14
Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Why are British soldiers possibly going to be prosecuted when IRA murderers were allowed to get off free from prosecution by the Blair government?

What’s the difference?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Leatherhead Hammer 2:50 Sat Mar 23
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Ilford Hammer 10:37 Sun Mar 17
The Alan Partridge is strong in this one

Leatherhead Hammer 2:49 Sat Mar 23
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?

The Alan Partridge is strong in this one

Westham67 2:08 Tue Mar 19
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Noone is an Irish name isn't it ?

Life of Riley 1:59 Tue Mar 19
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Noone can ever imagine what the families of the victims went through unless they have experienced it themselves.

My understanding from someone that was there is that shots were definitely fired from either within or behind the protesters. The response did not replicate the incident but highly trained essentially special forces then see everyone on that side as a target.

Pressure, self preservation all play apart and training.

I think it's wrong that a professional soldier can be individually charged over the incident.

The whole thing reminds me of Hillsborough were the Liverpool fans crushing through barriers have amazingly removed themselves from any blame.

The whole sorry affair for both with people carrying pictures Etc is tragic but the blame game shames us all.

As for Corbyn don't get me started.......

normannomates 3:34 Tue Mar 19
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?



normannomates 3:30 Tue Mar 19
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Son of Sam 11.20

Yep..run out of steam..
As for the WOPS.. Its what I call em.. always have.. No dislike there in the main.. . Apart from being slippery dwarf weapons.

Overated scoff an all

Ilford Hammer 10:37 Sun Mar 17
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Sunday Bloody Sunday. What a great song. It really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday, doesn't it?

You wake up in the morning, you've got to read all the Sunday papers, the kids are running round, you've got to mow the lawn, wash the car, and you think "Sunday, bloody Sunday".

Percy Dalton 10:07 Sun Mar 17
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
The first port of call for most Irish is Liverpool.
I'll let somebody else finish the rest.

pulhampete 7:22 Sun Mar 17
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
What's the government's position on it?

Leatherhead Hammer 7:19 Sun Mar 17
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Mad Dog 6:12 Sun Mar 17

I couldn't agree more. This fucking tosser's default setting is "Britains enemy is my friend" He should never, ever be PM

Mad Dog 6:12 Sun Mar 17
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
I see Corbyn has backed the decision to prosecute the soldier, saying time shouldn't be a factor... whilst supporting the decision to send the IRA letters saying the they won't face any trials.

Utter cunt

mashed in maryland 3:48 Sun Mar 17
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
That sort of stuff used to really piss me off but it doesn't any more.

99% of the time anyone in a developed country making big public sweeping statements about "occupation" or "liberation" etc of some tin pot third world country has no idea what they're on about.

Just leave the yanks to it, they've got their own problems to worry about which are usually bigger than ours and could do with a bit of romantic escapism. We'll just laugh at them if the Reconquista bods ever kick off.

ironsofcanada 3:00 Sun Mar 17
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Westside 2:30 Sun Mar 17

Why stop at Hawaii?

It would be Europeans out the Americas wouldn't it?

Or maybe French and Normans and (what is now) Germans out of England?

Why let what some protester say bother you?

Mike Oxsaw 2:54 Sun Mar 17
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?

Sven Roeder 12:26 Sun Mar 17

You too? (See what I did there?) I still can't help my first reaction, upon seeing a piece of apparently unattended luggage, to be a scan of the immediate area and try and locate the owner; that's no matter where I am in the world. It's not something I want to be doing, but it's (now) instinctive. Before then I never gave it a thought.

That and the scar on the back of my left hand only recently fading. A scar I got from a piece of shrapnel from the Harrods bombing seeking me out where, apparently, I was "safe" - a hundred or so yards away, down a side street.

Westside 2:30 Sun Mar 17
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Maybe we should have a protest march in London with an "America, get out of Hawaii" banner?

goose 2:15 Sun Mar 17
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
This from the NY St Patrick day parade.


Spandex Sidney 12:49 Sun Mar 17
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
'Sunday Bloody Sunday'. What a great song. It really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday, doesn't it? You wake up in the morning, you've got to read all the Sunday papers, the kids are running round, you've got to mow the lawn, wash the car, and you think "Sunday, bloody Sunday"

AsI'm sure someone else has done thus far.

, 12:49 Sun Mar 17
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
The Good Friday Agreement only got accepted because of the peace and reconciliation process. This left known, pre Agreement, killers being given a free pass to this day so it seems unfair to most of us that a para is indicted forty seven years after the event.

Sven Roeder 12:47 Sun Mar 17
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
No I was concentrating on the divide between both sides of the question.
If the government wants to revisit prosecuting one side but not the other it’s not going to help any resolution

Toe Rag 12:45 Sun Mar 17
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
This whole business is just opening up old wounds that had maybe started to heal just a little.

It will take generations get over it and all this does is fan the embers of resentment on both sides.

I’m sure m’learned friends bank balances are appreciative of the windfall though, so that’s alright 🙄🙄🙄

, 12:36 Sun Mar 17
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Sven are you leaving out the unionist paras deliberately?

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